Tag Archives: Spinfisher Vi (7500 lc), L
Spinfisher Vi (7500 lc), L

Not only is the gearing system protected from water, the full metal body and side plate also keeps the system in alignment, especially under heavy loads. The HT-100 drag washers are also placed in a fully sealed spool. The absolute ideal Spinfisher for going out to sea!Be prepared to catch some big fish too, as the deep aluminium spool means you can load it with plenty of mono, as well as the tough cranking handle that allows you to really pile on the pressure. Note that this reel also has an incredibly smooth and faultless operation too. A winner in every sea anglers’ eyes.IPX5 sealing protects the gearbox and drag systemFull metal bodySuperline aluminium spoolLine capacity rings5+1 sealed stainless-steel ball bearing systemCNC Gear™ technologyHT-100™ carbon fibre drag washersLine capacity: 480yards/20lbMax Drag: 24lbGear Ratio: 4:3:1Recovery: 94cmColour: Black