Tag Archives: Swim Stim Natural Groundbait, GROUNDBAI
Swim Stim Natural Groundbait, GROUNDBAI

Swim Stim is a naturally balanced fish attractant. The effectivenes is a combination of the fish attractors and the way it mixes and interacts with water. The popularity if this uniquly effective range of groundbaits goes from strength to strength and Swim Stim groundbaits fly off the shelves.Suitable for all uses, Method mixes and paste, or Swim Stim groundbaits are not just for commercial carp fishing, but also good for skimmers, bream and tench.Being able to mix the colours means you can get a perfect match for the venue you’re fishing or for the time of year. The natural version is the ideal base mix and you can add either green or black to get just the colour you need. The Method mix is brillaint and can be used straight out of the bag.